P.O. Box 60, Morehead, Kentucky 40351
PURPOSE: To organize historical research and promote community awareness of all aspects of the historical heritage of Rowan County, Kentucky.
MEMBERSHIP: Open to any person who subscribes to the purposes of the
Rowan County Historical Society, Inc. Individual Membership Dues are $10.00 and Family Memberships are $15.00
per year. A special Lifetime Membership is available for $100.00. To become a member, please complete the membership form below and return it with your dues to the treasurer or mail to the address above. A special membership card will then be issued. A newsletter published quarterly is sent to each member. Participation in a variety of special interests groups is
available to all members. MEETINGS: Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month usually at
the Rowan County Public Library. Business begins at 6:00pm and programs begin at 7:00pm. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP FORM I wish to become a member of the Rowan County Historical Society, Inc.
Enclosed is dues for: (
NAME _____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________STATE _______ ZIP CODE _______________
PHONE _(________)___________________ E-MAIL _______________________________
DATE _______________________ [Amount: CASH __________ CHECK ___________]