Rowan County Historical Society
Rowan County Historical Society
Welcome to the events and photos of the activities of the Rowan County Historical Society. We hope you enjoy them.
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Cora Wilson Stewart Venue for RCHS meeting
Cora Wilson Stewart Venue for RCHS meeting 
An unusual location for the Rowan Co., KY Historical Society to meet was at the Cora Wilson Moonlight One-Room School located on First St. The "students" pictured enjoyed learning about the school and hearing about memories from those that attended a one-room school. Seated in far left row and sharing a two-seated desk are from front to back: Jeanette Stone & Mabel Reynolds, Betty Sharp & Ruth Blevins, Avanelle Eldridge & Willow Leach, and Ethel Jones. In center row are Lee Daniel Blevins and Harry Mayhew At right are Jack & Janis Ellis, Helen Surmont, & Danny Blevins